

I've had it for awhile. It's not something I displayed on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram because I didn't get it for anyone else. Yup, I got a tattoo. I've had it for a few months, but it wasn't something I felt like sharing with the world wide web because it was deeply personal to me. Opinions vary about tattoos, which is part of the reason it took me so long to get it. I wasn't sure what others would think, but then I just got to the point where, quite honestly, I didn't care. There are not many things in my life that I have done just because I wanted to and didn't consider anyone else's opinion, but this is one of them and I love it.

ImageBeloved. One who is dearly loved. This word echos through my soul when I feel like I'm just not quite good enough. It resounds in my spirit when I feel like I fail at this journey of life. It is a constant reminder that I am Christ's beloved. I am his and he is mine. My identity rests in that. I do not live for the approval of others. I live because I am loved by God. Out of that love I am able to live life abundantly, I am able to have confidence in who I am created to be, and I am empowered to love others well.

This stretch of ink on my arm is not just a permanent is a constant reminder of who I am and what defines me. It is a constant reminder that I want to show those around me who they belong to and let them know that they too are dearly loved.