33 Things.

My 33rd trip around the sun has come to a close and it’s time for one of my favorite practices of the year. This annual rhythm helps me reflect on my last year and make sure I don’t miss out on recognizing all that I learned and experienced. The list is long so here goes!

  1. I got a new job! This wasn’t exactly anticipated for this year, but I randomly stumbled upon a job description that I couldn’t believe was real because it was basically my dream job. I’m now the Staff Resilience Coordinator for the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. I get to help take care of the staff and focus on employee well-being and resilience. I’ll also be doing a lot of work around helping TPCHD become a trauma-informed organization. In my first two weeks I planned a three-day wellness event and the whole time I just couldn’t believe I was getting paid for it.

  2. My plants are still alive! I’ve only had one plant die, but I’ve officially kept four plants alive for a year!

  3. I began studying for my Spiritual Direction Certification through the Wisdom Tree Collective program. I’ve wanted to become an official spiritual director for years, but the timing never worked or I couldn’t find a program that I felt aligned with. When my Spiritual Director told me about this opportunity to study with her it couldn’t have been more divine, aligned timing. I have learned so much already and I’m excited about what’s ahead.

  4. I got a Costco membership. It’s everything I hoped it would be.

  5. I trained for a 5K with a friend…I said I was retired from running and that I would never do it again and yet I heard myself say yes when she asked if I wanted to train for a 5K. We did it and dare I say…I kinda enjoyed it and the 5K was fun. Maybe I’m out of running retirement for a bit.

  6. Jenn, Jessica, Katie, and Maria came to visit throughout the year and it was lovely. It meant a lot to have them come see my new home and get to show them around my city. Can’t wait for more visitors in the future!

  7. I took tennis and golf lessons with a friend. I LOVED it. It was good for me to do something I wasn’t great at (tennis) and see myself improve and then it was also nice to take something I’m already decent at (golf) but see myself get better.

  8. Even though traveling wasn't as abundant this season because of COVID I’m grateful for the few trips I got to do and that there’s so many accessible, beautiful places to see in Washington!

  9. Our family welcomed a new baby! My nephew Wyatt Bradley Mennemeier joined the crew February 19th and we all love him so.

  10. I took Dr. Christena Cleveland’s Liberating the Mind-Body-Spirit from White Supremacy class and it was one of the most powerful experiences I’ve ever had. You can take the class too and its’ worth every. single. penny. Sign up here: https://www.sacredfolk.com/ecourse

  11. Whenever I see a seal when I’m walking by the water I turn into a child and get so excited. (For context, I see at least one probably every 2-3 times I walk by the water, which is often, but I still get excited every time!)

  12. I started seeing a new therapist and she is exactly who I need for this season of life.

  13. I can wake up early. I’m still not a morning person, but I’ve been getting up at 5am a few mornings a week to run or walk with a good friend and it’s turned into one of the most life giving practices for me. The movement and time with a friend…not the 5am call time.

  14. I went on some not great dates. Doesn’t a date where the guy describes in detail every strip club he went to in Vegas sound like a dream!?!?

  15. This year was the Year of My Body. I did a lot of healing and connecting work with my body and it was deeply transformational. I did recovery work for disordered eating and I found and engaged with movement practices that I actually like. I made doctor’s appointments I was avoiding and tried to figure out health stuff. I think this work is what I’m most proud of this year.

  16. TV shows were a comfort and escape for me per usual. I started rewatching Grey’s Anatomy, I know why?!? Who knows, but I needed something familiar. But I, once again, only made it to when Christina leaves before I lost interest. Ted Lasso brought me a lot of joy and was my favorite this year.

  17. Almost every Saturday I walked to the Farmer’s Market and bought 3 flower stems. I used to buy a whole bouquet, but realized that I like the less is more approach more often than not. Fresh flowers are my favorite.

  18. I found good gluten free cinnamon rolls in Tacoma!

  19. I’ve now lived in my apartment for a year and it’s everything I hoped it would be. It’s cozy, comfortable, and brings me so much peace. I can walk to the farmer’s market, library, post office, grocery store, and coffee shops. I can see the Sound and mountains on my walks around the neighborhood. I’ve enjoyed living alone and the way that’s allowed me to get to know myself in a new way this year.

  20. So grateful for the vaccine and how it’s protecting the most vulnerable and protecting against death and severe sickness for so many.

  21. I’ve had so much time with family and it’s just the best. I mean that’s why I moved out here, but experiencing just ordinary days and birthday parties and school pick up and football games has been a joy.

  22. I started seeing a naturopathic doctor and it’s really helped with my anxiety of seeing doctors and feeling like I’m seen as a whole person.

  23. I bought an alarm clock that wakes you up with light and mellow music and vitamin D drops to help get through these super dark winter PNW times.

  24. I participated in a restorative justice and healing circle training. I really appreciated it and learned a lot. It was a powerful experience. I’m so grateful that part of my job is participating in things like that.

  25. I was influenced by Instagram and podcasts and bought Olive and June nail polish. It really does live up to the hype.

  26. I went to a couple OL Reign games and I hope I get to go to more this next season.

  27. In the summer I went back to Michigan for a family reunion and my annual friendcation trip. It was a week full of gratitude for the people who have been present and loved me for a long time and how lucky I am to still see them.

  28. Every Friday night I have pizza and movie night with Jake, Em, Jonah, and Opie and it’s one of my favorite parts of the week.

  29. I got to make a brief visit to Nashville and even though it felt a little weird with COVID and not being able to see as many people, this trip really helped with some closure for me. Moving away at the beginning of the pandemic, in a way that I wasn’t expecting, without being able to say bye to people and leave like I wanted to was really hard, this trip helped heal some of those wounds and grief for me.

  30. I’ve acquired quite the record collection and I’ve really enjoyed listening to records. It just feels like there’s a little more intentionality in it and I’m loving listening to my mom’s old records. (Thanks mom for gifting them to me!)

  31. Figured out Cinnamon Chex is a great gluten-free alternative to Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

  32. I started making my bed every day again. I get why it’s a thing and helps you feel like you’ve at least accomplished one thing already so early in the day.

  33. Last year I ended my 32 Things post with, "Year 33...may you be filled with joy amidst the pain, the kind of discomfort that spurs growth, continued resistance to systems of oppression, peaceful rest, good friends, beautiful views, thriving plants, fulfilled desires, and an even deeper movement into being my most authentic self.” I think year 33 lived up to all of that. And for that I’m so, so grateful.

Year 34…may you be full of fun, connection, and action. May you continue to bring the right people, experiences, and possibilities my way. May I love deeply and grow and heal and transform. May it be a year of good friends, family time, deep connections, gluten free cinnamon rolls, feeling my feelings, moving my body, life-giving activities, and lots of moments experiencing beautiful things and people.

Cheers to year 34!